What Is An AI-Powered Organisation?

What is the AI-powered organisation in the AI-model canvas © by Tony de Bree -3

What Is An AI-Powered Organisation?

Designing and building the AI-powered organisation is hot online. And rightly so. In the influential article ‘Building The AI-Powered Organisation. Technology isn’t the biggest challenge. Culture is” by the three authors of McKinsey in 2019 (see here)…. the conclusion is that technology is often not the most important internal organisational obstacle, but the existing culture is.


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What is an AI-powered organisation?

“An AI-powered organisation is an organisation in which artificial intelligence is implemented in an AI-powered organisational design to automate and optimise the way an existing organisation or a new organisation is creating value for and with its customers and other stakeholders in the AI-powered business ecosystem in an integrated and aligned way”.

Focus should be is using AI to create a safe and healthy working environment using the AI-Model Canvas© to achieve AI-alignment. Aligning the right culture, the right people & skills, the right core goals & core values, the right structure, the right systems, the right business processes and the right digital strategy using AI:

Continuous AI-alignment and AI-aligning of these 7 elements, ‘the 7 levers of change‘, is key to become and stay a succesful & aligned AI-Powered organisation, an AI-powered company including an AI-powered bank in the future.

An interesting opportunity in an AI-powered organisation is using AI to implement an AI-powered organisational design with hybrid working, working at home and remote working:


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If you want to learn how you can turn your company into an AI-Powered Company© with an AI-powered business model, an AI-powered organisational design and an AI-powered business ecosystem with the new AI-Model Canvas© and other innovative AI-transformation tools, contact us today for a free online intake session. Please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to schedule that call or face-to-face meeting.

Kind regards,
Tony de Bree

p.s. Let’s connect on  LinkedIn  and follow me on  Instagram and on Twitter @tonydebree & @fintechtrends.

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