Virtual Workshop – Reclaim Your Life: Navigating the Path to a Fulfilling Non-Corporate Career

Virtual Workshop - Reclaim Your Life: Navigating the Path to a Fulfilling Non-Corporate Career Hi, in 2011, I left ABN Amro to pursue a fulfilling non corporate career to become a happy and succesfull solopreneur working from home and as digital nomad. It ofen was a bumpy ride. To help you to prepare you next career step outside of the corporate work environment, I share in this one-day virtual workshop practical lessons learned from then until...

What Is Pivoting Your Life?

What Is Pivoting Your Life? More and more people are not happy in their current lives for different reasons. Pivoting your life is the best solution in that case. What is pivoting your life? Pivoting your life involves making significant changes to the life you are currently leading in order to pursue a more fulfilling and aligned path. It implies reevaluating your goals, values, and passions, and then taking concrete steps to align every...

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