According to Goldman Sachs, 300 million jobs are ‘at risk’ due to the latest AI wave, including because of ChatGPT

Approximately 300 million full-time jobs worldwide could be automated in some way by the latest wave of artificial intelligence, of generative AI, that platforms such as ChatGPT have brought about, according to economists from Goldman Sachs. They predicted in a report on March 29, 2023 that 18% of work worldwide could be automated, with the effects being felt more deeply in advanced economies than in emerging markets. This is partly because...

Introducing The Great AI-Layoff: Unlocking New Opportunities For the Future of Work

Introducing The Great AI Layoff: Unlocking New Opportunities in the Future of Work. Since the second half of 2022 and the launch of ChatGPT, a transformative trend has emerged in labour markets offline and online worldwide: The Great AI Layoff. But instead of fearing this shift, let's explore the substantial benefits and outcomes it can bring when we approach it with the right mindset and with a focus on right-skilling for he AI-powered...

ChatGPT And The Job Market: 51 Percent of Employers Planning To Cut Jobs Will Do So In Marketing

ChatGPT and the job market: 51 percent of employers planning to cut jobs will do so in marketing On a departmental level, employees in product management and customer service departments are 2x more likely to worry about their jobs than marketers… but marketers’ skill set is the one most at risk in the job market. Although employers may look into ChatGPT consulting services before making their final decisions, according to recent research,...

Employees In The Finance Industry Do Not See ChatGPT As a Threat, Although They Should

Employees in the Finance Industry do not see ChatGPT as a threat, although they should. Finance is the second-biggest industry after marketing where employees and employers have differing views on how the ChatGPT technology will reduce headcount. Employees in the finance industry do not see ChatGPT as a threat, although they should. This study shows that only 14% of employees in the finance sector fear that ChatGPT will be used to reduce...

What Is ChatGPT Prompt Engineering?

What is ChatGPT Prompt engineering? ChatGPT prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and crafting effective prompts to interact with the ChatGPT language model. The prompt is the initial text or question provided to the model to elicit a desired response. Prompt engineering involves formulating prompts in a way that helps guide the model's behavior and ensures the generation of accurate and relevant responses. Here are some...

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