What Is An AI-Powered Organisation?

What Is An AI-Powered Organisation? Designing and building the AI-powered organisation is hot online. And rightly so. In the influential article 'Building The AI-Powered Organisation. Technology isn’t the biggest challenge. Culture is" by the three authors of McKinsey in 2019 (see here).... the conclusion is that technology is often not the most important internal organisational obstacle, but the existing culture is. What is an AI-powered...

Building the AI-Powered Bank With The AI-Model Canvas©

Building the AI-Powered Bank with the AI-Model Canvas©. Hi, if you want to design and implement the AI-Powered Bank, or any AI-Powered Organisation, including the right culture, you can do that by desiging and implementing a new AI-powered business model in your company: What is an AI-powered businessmodel in banking including in FinTech & RegTech? "An AI-powered business model in banking describes how a bank, a FinTech or RegTech startup...

What Is An AI-Powered Business Model?

What Is An AI-Powered Business Model? Hi, if you want to become an AI-leader and survive and thrive in the AI-powered economy by turning your company into an AI-Powered Company© including the right culture, you need to design and implement new AI-powered business model in an aligned and integrated way. What is an AI-powered businessmodel? "An AI-powered business model describes how an organisation creates, delivers, and captures value with the...

What Is An AI-Powered Organisational Design?

What Is An AI-Powered Organisational Design? Hi, digitally transforming your current business ecosystem into an AI-powered business ecosystem in one of the most important critical successfactors for turning your company into an AI-Powered Company. In order to be able to do that successfully, you need to 'open up the blackbox of the organisational design' and design and implement an AI-powered organisational design. What is an AI-powered...

What is the AI-Model Canvas?

What is the AI-Model Canvas? To quickly become an AI-Powered company©, you need new innovative methods and new tools as a manager, management consultant, or change manager. That is why the AI Model Canvas© was co-created with customers. What is the AI-Model Canvas? "The AI Model Canvas© helps you design and implement a holistic AI-powered business model. The AI-Model Canvas© consists of the entire AI-Powered Business Model on one A4 sheet,...

What Is The Law of Diminishing Firms?

What Is The Law of Diminishing Firms? According to the so-called 'Law of Diminishing Firms', introduced by Downes and Mui in , the well-known ICT-related laws of Moore and Metcalfe have reinforced each other. The Law Of Diminishing Firms states that companies can become smaller and smaller by using ICT and digitally transform themselves in an integrated way from a traditional hierarchical business organization to a virtual organization. As most...

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