7 Reasons to Stop Writing and Publishing Management Books with Traditional Publishers

7 Reasons to Stop Writing and Publishing Management Books with Traditional Publishers by Tony de Bree - 4

7 Reasons to Stop Writing and Publishing Management Books with Traditional Publishers.

Good morning, after the release of my bestselling managementboek in Dutch ‘Groeien zonder te groeien (‘Growing without Growing’)’ in 2020, I decided to stop writing and publishing management books in Dutch with traditional publishers in The Netherlands.


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Many people ask me why I did that. Here are the 7 main reasons:

✔️ You lose creative control. When you sign a contract with a traditional publisher, you hand over control of the content, the design of the cover, and the marketing of your book.

✔️ You receive low royalties. Traditional publishers typically pay authors royalties of between 10-15% of the net sales of their book.

✔️ The publication process is slow. It can take months or even years to publish a book through a traditional publisher.

✔️ It’s difficult to get published. Traditional publishers receive thousands of book proposals each year and only a small percentage of these proposals are accepted.

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✔️ You have to deal with intermediaries. When you work with a traditional publisher, you have to deal with various intermediaries, such as publishers, editors, and marketing professionals. This can make it difficult to communicate with your readers and to make your book stand out in any form.

✔️ You are limited in distribution. Traditional publishers usually distribute their books only to large bookstores, specific online retailers and more and more their own online stores.

✔️ You have no control over the price of the book. Traditional publishers set the price of your book, whether it’s a paperback, a management e-book, or an audiobook. And in The Netherlands there is a fixed book price in place.

There are other reasons that I will discuss in another blog. And I will also explain why I have started again self publishing short ebooks as I had started to do as side hustle next to my dayjob at ABN Amro in 2001.

Schedule a call.

If you want to learn how to write short management ebooks, contact us today for a free online intake session. Please email your mobile number and the link to your LinkedIn profile using this form. Then we immediately will contact you to schedule that call or face-to-face meeting.

Kind regards,
Tony de Bree

p.s. Let’s connect on  LinkedIn  and follow me on  Instagram and on Twitter @tonydebree & @fintechtrends.

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