Tony's Toxic Workplace Survival Guide More and more people online have questions about how to survive a toxic workplace and toxic leadership. Here's a breakdown of some of the most common questions about those topics and my personal answers after leaving a very toxic workplace and a toxic boss suffering from a burn-out myself in 2011. Identifying the Toxin: Q: What are the warning signs of a toxic work environment? Tony: Watch out for excessive...
What Is The Difference Between AI-Upskilling, AI-Reskiling And AI-Right-Skilling In Financial Services? AI-skilling, or actually 'AI-right-skilling' for your personally, acquiring new relevant soft and hard skills related to artificial intelligence (AI) in Financial Services, is critical if you want to survive and thrive in the AI-powered economy and be more creative and productive as you can learn from this new management ebook: The...
Right-Skilling For The AI-Powered Economy - How To SurviveThe Great AI-Layoff In The New Age Of Work - eBook Since the second half of 2022 and the launch of ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion a transformative trend has emerged in labour markets offline and online worldwide: The Great AI Layoff. But instead of fearing this shift, let's explore the substantial benefits and outcomes it can bring when we approach it with the right...
AI-Upskilling, AI-Reskiling And AI-Right-Skilling Explained AI-skilling, or actually 'AI-right-skilling' for your personally, acquiring new relevant soft and hard skills related to artificial intelligence (AI) in Financial Services, is critical if you want to survive and thrive in the AI-powered economy and be more creative and productive as you can learn from this new management ebook: Yoy can do that hybrid working, or working at home or in...
Right-Skilling For The AI-Powered Economy - How To SurviveThe Great AI-Layoff In The New Age Of Work Since the second half of 2022 and the launch of ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion a transformative trend has emerged in labour markets offline and online worldwide: The Great AI Layoff. But instead of fearing this shift, let's explore the substantial benefits and outcomes it can bring when we approach it with the right mindset and...
AI-Skilling In Financial Services In 2024 AI-skilling, or actually 'right-skilling' acquiring new relevant soft and hard skills related to artificial intelligence (AI) in any industry, including in Financial Services, is key in 2024 if you want to survive and thrive in the AI-powered economy in 2024. The differences between these terms are the purpose of your personal learning process and the effect on your current or future role or function in...
What Is An AI-Powered Virtual Organisation? One of the great myths from the Industrial Revolution and in the old wrld of dinosaur model and methods is that your organisation has to grow into a bulky large organisation, a 'Fat Firm', with many management layers if you attract and have to serve more customers. In our current time of the Internet, fast bandwidth and smartphones and especially with easy to use and inexpensive AI, that is actually...
What is a side hustle? The transition from a fixed job to another fixed job in a different sector or to become a succesful solopreneur can be a rather difficult one without proper preparation. That is why I recommend you to do the same thing as I did after 1997 and that is start 'side hustling' next to your day job. What is a side hustle? "A side hustle is an additional job of additional work or 'gigs' in the offline or online gig economy that...
26% of European Software And Tech Firms to Cut Jobs Due to Generative AI With ChatGPT According to a survey conducted by Sortlist Data Hub, it has been found that 26% of European software and tech companies are planning to reduce their workforce due to the emergence of ChatGPT and ChatGPT-based apps. Right-skilling for the AI-powered economy is therefor key to secure the future of your work and income, whatever career change to want to make or...
26% of European Tech Firms to Cut Jobs Due to Generative AI With ChatGPT According to a survey conducted by Sortlist Data Hub, it has been found that 26% of European software and tech companies are planning to reduce their workforce due to the emergence of ChatGPT and ChatGPT-based apps. Finance companies also face a potential decrease in jobs, with 22% of them considering the same action. Interestingly, while 23% of tech workers perceive...