Strategy Models, Frameworks and Methodologies Are Context-Sensitive.
Morning (here in in The Netherlands).
One of the most important learnings of my European Executive MBA at The Wharton School by professor maurice saias was that strategy models, frameworks and methodologies are ‘context-sensitive solutions’.

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What does that mean?
That means that they are designed for use within the business & technological context of specific periods. And that you have to look at them in that context.
Examples are, the strategy model from Michael Porter, the Portfolio Model by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Resource Based Models, ‘The Treacy & Wiersema Model’ and popular managementbooks like ‘The Lean Startup’ and the ‘Business Model Canvas” (BMC).
All these traditional models, frameworks & methodologies have a number of things in common. They…
– are so-called ‘inside-out models’: internal ‘great ideas’ are the basis for them and for ‘products & services’ that are ‘launched’;
– are designed for stable, offline environments;
– treat the organization as a black-box; they do not include the organizational design of an organization.
– are promoted in traditional higher-education including universities and business schools that have people working in and for corporate bureaucratic organizations as customers;
– they are used by large dinosaur management consulting companies.
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They also have these things in common. They are not used by..
– successful AI-powered startups, scaleups & SMEs since ‘The democratization of AI’ started in 2022;
– succesful digital leaders including online platforms:

To summarize: they are used by people working in and for dinosaur organizations in their own corporate online comfort zone. People, including on LinkedIn, that stil believe that our online world and the digital economy ‘is flat’. These beliefs are one of the main causes for ‘The Death Of The Dinosaurs because of the impact of AI’.
My personal advice to you: ignore them.
Leaders in the AI-Knowledge Economy use the AI-Model Canvas design and implement their new AI-powered business model with an AI-Powered Organizational Design and an AI-Powered Business Ecosystem.
My personal advice to you: ignore them.
Hope this helps.