What Is A Virtual Organization?

What Is A Virtual Organization? One of the great myths from the Industrial Revolution and in the old wrld of dinosaur model and methods is that your organisation has to grow into a bulky large organisation, a 'Fat Firm', with many management layers if you attract and have to serve more customers. In our current time of the Internet, fast bandwidth and smartphones, that is actually no longer the case. Why? You can grow and scale using ICT...

Hybrid Working & Remote Working For FinTechs

In a crisis like this one, crisis management and co-creating FinTech solutions is key to help you as our customer to survive this crisis by defining and implementing the right businessmodel and new organization and fast. Hybrid working, working at home, remote working and remote management is key. You can learn how to do that in a structured way, using this new practical management ebook including free printable checklists and a muktiple-choice...

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