AI And The Death Of The Large Dinosaurs Morning. In my Phd in 2001, 'Transformation of Financial Services Companies. How To Map and Measure Customer Value Created With Relationship Capital", I cited two professors from the Stern School of Business, Smith and Walter, in an article in the Financial Times regarding the fact that Internet technology made the arrival of new 'species' possible: high-tech startups. And also the opportunity for people...
AI And The Death Of The Dinosaurs Morning. In my Phd in 2001, 'Transformation of Financial Services Companies. How To Map and Measure Customer Value Created With Relationship Capital", I cited two professors from the Stern School of Business, Smith and Walter, in an article in the Financial Times regarding the fact that Internet technology made the arrival of new 'species' possible: high-tech startups. And also the opportunity for people...
What is virtual organising? Since the beginning of the Covid-19, many corporates, startups, scaleups and SMEs have been forced by lockdowns to 'virtual organise' their company and fast. Introducing hybrid working, working at home, remote working and remote management. #npb-03cdb6b1-ce68-4f86-8a40-bbf0640f19a8.nb-product-box-wrapper { background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; margin-top: 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;margin-bottom: 20px;...
What is the AI-Model Canvas? To quickly become an AI-Powered company©, you need new innovative methods and new tools as a manager, management consultant, or change manager. That is why the AI Model Canvas© was co-created with customers. What is the AI-Model Canvas? "The AI Model Canvas© helps you design and implement a holistic AI-powered business model. The AI-Model Canvas© consists of the entire AI-Powered Business Model on one A4 sheet,...